Jefferson County Caucus Captain for Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City
Frederick in the Press about Trump |
Washington, Post, David
Weigel, July 27 5 things I learned by spending four hours in The Donald Trump Experience |
Mother Jones Magazine, Inae
Oh, Mon, July 27, 2015 Want to Meet a 9/11 Truther? Go to a Donald Trump Event |
Mother Jones Magazine, Inae
Mon Jul. 27, 2015 |
Reddit |
Disqus |
Salon Magazine dismiss_trumps_iowa_supporters_as_uneducated_rubes_the_truth_is_more_complicated |
Frederick ran for U.S. Congress |
Increased Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Students at Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa, who regularly practiced Transcendental Meditation, increased significantly in intelligence over a 2-year period, compared to control subjects from another Iowa university. This finding corroborates the results of two other studies showing increased IQ in students practicing TM. Source: Cranson, Orme-Johnson, Gackenback, Dillbeck, Jones, and Alexander, Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, vol 12, 1991, p 1105-1116). more research studies |
Frederick: "I was an average high school student, More info and studies at: |
Success in Real Estate - Thanks to Trump University courses
At caucus location, Lincoln School, Precinct 2
At annual Republican meeting. Frederick gave speech for Trump