TM in the TruMp family

Disclaimer: This is only a TM fan web site.
The official TM Organization and Maharishi Universities do NOT endorse any political candidate or party.

President Trump is the only recent President who did not start another war.

Evolution of our DNA and lives are over if Biden starts World War 3 with China or Russia

Ivanka Practices TM - and told her Dad about it.

Donald's daughter Ivanka Trump practices TM as do some of her staff.
Oprah Winfrey visited Maharishi University in Iowa for her TV special about TM.  2024-03-27
"The mom-of-three - who has been focusing on finding 'mental clarity' and 'peace' through meditation" "Ivanka Trump has revealed she has found “inner peace” through transcendental meditation as she reflected on the experience that led her to 'mental clarity.'” "Internet shreds Ivanka Trump as she gushes about how transcendental meditation helped her find 'inner peace'"

Let's invite Ivanka Trump to come to Fairfield Iowa
and be the speaker at the graduation ceremony
as Senator Tom Harkin and Jim Carrey did. visits Fairfield

TM for Trump Meditation
Enlivening national consciousness for Trump's election from near the population center of the USA and and

Areas closest to group practice of Transcendental Meditation
in the Golden Domes of Fairfield Iowa, radiating coherent brain
waves near the population center of the USA voted for Trump.
Most voters in stressful cities (LA, Chicago, NY) believed Hillary.

We need larger group TM communities in CA, MA, and the tip of FL

Trump wins America's Most Enlightened Precincts
surrounding the "TM capital" of the USA - Fairfield. Iowa

home of many TM practitioners enlivening brain wave coherence and national collective consciousness

Rick Shaddock gives the 2 minute speech at the Republican caucus meeting to nominate Donald Trump

Donald Trump says "That's great!" about TM for Vets

Trump signed the page from the David Lynch Foundation - Shaddock on Dr. Fetzer's Show  - more details

Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, touring with Donald Trump,
accepted a copy of the TM for Vets page and said "I'll make sure he gets it."

CNN Reporters, such as Sara Murray, were also there

Ivanka Trump practices TM
"Meditation is one of the most important things I do each day"

Ivanka talks to her father Donald every morning after meditation

Donald Trump Junior and his wife Vanessa practice TM

DTJ and wife Vanessa at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa pizza place

Rick, Vanessa, Don Jr. in Albia, Iowa for brunch

Rick: TM has been found in scientific research to be the best cure for PTSD in Veterans, and David Lynch is helping vets learn TM.  Your father signed this paper about it last night.

Donald Trump Junior: I do TM
Rick: Oh, sorry I am preaching to the choir!
DTJ: I attended David's event in NY.

Donald Trump Jr. signed the MUM Annual Report
with Jim Carrey speaking in the Golden Dome

Donald Trump Jr. signed the MUM Annual Report
with Jim Carrey speaking in the Golden Dome
and said he would consider speaking there some day.

Vanessa reviews Jim Carrey's speech at Maharishi University
and hears about Maharishi School

DTJ joins with his pizza

Donald Trump Jr. Flew his Jet over the Golden Domes

Russell Simmons

Dr. James Fetzer: Trump

2016-03 Dr. James Fetzer interviews Rick on The Real Deal about contacting Trump and telling him about the 28 Pages. 

Considering all the pressure the Trumps are under now with the possibility of losing $½ Billion dollars and Trump Tower, they are quite cool, collected, and focused on leading away from Biden's disasters to make America great again.
Meanwhile Joe hides from the press and Hunter does crack.
TM releases stress and expands our consciousness, living life with a cosmic perspective.  We need a President who is cool, creative, and intelligent under pressure.

TM has scientific research behind it, and is not a cult. 

President Trump meditates during boring trumped up court charges

Former President Trump on Thursday denied he was dozing off in court during his hush money case, as reporters in the room reported seeing him sitting with his eyes closed for multiple minutes, just as he had at the start of the trial.

“Contrary to the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, I don’t fall asleep during the Crooked D.A.’s Witch Hunt, especially not today. I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Trump on multiple occasions on Thursday was seen sitting with his eyes closed for several minutes. 


Maharishi & Trump similarities

Both value Invincible America
Financially Self Sufficient
Highest First
Knows the Power of the Press
Develop the Full Potential of the Individual
Improve Governmental Achievements
Realize the highest ideals of Education
Solve the Problems of Crime and Drug Abuse
Maximize the Intelligent Us of the Environment
Fulfill the Economic Aspirations of Society
Achieve the Spiritual Goals of all Mankind

Trump - Fulfilling the Goals of the Natural Law Party

Fairfield Iowa Trump Supporters